Islamic Relief USA (IRUSA) is the largest Islamic faith-based charity and has built a reputation for positively impacting the lives of people across the country and around the world. In fact, the charity has been honored for its advocacy and humanitarian work by members of the US Congress as well as many state senators.

Recognition from US lawmakers is gratifying for everyone involved and reifies our drive to do our utmost to help eradicate poverty everywhere in the world, assisting vulnerable populations to create a more sustainable future. Indeed, the impact of IRUSA cannot be understated. For some 30 years, the organization has been a fixture wherever there is a disaster or need to build infrastructure support. This assistance has been indispensable for millions of individuals.

There are countless personal stories from around the globe of the incredible difference that IRUSA has made. Following are several compelling accounts from people on almost every continent.


Sackina lives in a small house with her two daughters and five grandchildren. As a sole breadwinner due to the passing of her husband, she often struggles to provide for her family, and worries greatly about her children’s health and well-being. The little money she does make is through selling food at the local market.                                 

Every morning, Sackina wakes up before dawn to collect water from the well for drinking, cooking, and other household chores. The well is located over 250 yards away, near various sanitation facilities and dumping sites.                                                        

Our Orphan Family Sponsorship program not only helps uplift an orphan, but also helps uplift his or her family by giving them the tools they need to thrive. Through the program, Sackina is able to develop her technical and business skills and generate sustainable income to provide her family with basic needs including clean water, food, and healthcare.              

“I would like to express my gratitude for the opportunity and support,” said Sackina. “Islamic Relief’s commitment to empowering [female]-headed households like myself gives me hope for a brighter future. I believe that with the resources provided, [I’ll] be able to overcome the challenges I face and create a better life for myself and my children.”                


Nora lives in a one-room cave with her six children.

“Life in the cave is tough. It’s dusty and dry. We do not have toilets around. We go outside in the open to ease ourselves. For women and girls like me, that is too risky,” she says. There was no indication of furniture in her home, including bedding. Old carpet covered the floor of her home, and a few blankets were tacked to the corner of the house. She had a makeshift kitchen, and the only food she had on hand was a few slices of bread from breakfast.

Nora’s is among the 700 orphaned households that received livelihood support through skills training.

“Very little support is available to poor people like us living in a cave. When I was enrolled for training and promised a sewing machine, I didn’t believe it until I received the machine. We needed food, and the opportunity was not there. The sewing machine was an opportunity and income for us,” she explained.

Thanks to donors like you, Nora is able to support her family through her business: “I mostly sew clothes for the neighbors who believe in my work. I also started producing traditional fabrics like cushions and embroidered scarves for women. I make 1300 AFN ($15) per month. I use this money to pay for my children’s education and medicines. We use the remaining for food.”

“I don’t know how to thank you. I see things opening for us. My family is not the same as one year ago. Though small, I get some cash from this business. May Allah (SWT) reward all who sent us this support,” she concluded.


Mirishahe is a widowed mother of three who received vocational training in an Islamic Relief USA project for tailoring. She suffered from severe depression after the passing of her husband and couldn’t find the energy or motivation to be present for her kids or become independent.

When she joined IR’s vocational tailoring training, she found immense support and satisfaction: “[Right away], I was happy that I could talk to women in the group, because I needed to express how sad I was. In the beginning, I cried all the time. Women would comfort me, and the trainer as well, and practicing tailoring helped me move away from this depression.”                                                                 

Immediately after finishing the training, she was happy and realized the power of her independence. “I am so happy that my smile returned to my face. Even my kids are happy for me. Since we finished the training, and we got evaluated by the trainer and project coordinator, I promised myself to be happy. This training helped me have a profession which I love, and also helped me get experience and get a job.”

Latin America

Hurricanes are a common occurrence in western Puerto Rico where Tony lives. He was one of a great number of people in his community that was grateful for the emergency relief offered by IRUSA after Hurricane Maria decimated his town. The food, water, and cash assistance that came through the organization was essential to Tony’s survival.

Middle East

Haya is a mother of six children and has a husband who suffers from mental illness. On top of that, she struggles with financial difficulties. She used to clean houses, but the pay was low, and it was starting to take a physical toll on her. She later had to have surgery.                                            

All of this was starting to take a mental toll on Haya. She soon learned about Islamic Relief USA’s Psychosocial Support Services (PSS) sessions.                                                                

“My friend encouraged me to be a part of the (PSS) sessions provided by Islamic Relief USA. The best thing about these sessions is confidentiality and the psychological support you feel through the sessions.”                                                                                                     

She also appreciated the individual sessions.                                                                           

“The specialist is such a great person, and I was eagerly waiting for every single session. Also, I wish sessions were being held more than twice a week.”

Haya believes the sessions played a major role in improving her relationship with her husband and children.                                                                       

“I have become a social person. Also, before I was nervous and irritable with my children. However, I have become more patient with them. I learned how to count to 10 before taking any action.”


As a national refugee resettlement agency, IRUSA is helping integrate and empower refugees in their host communities through short- and long-term development, including access to housing, job opportunities, and everything in between.                           

IRUSA partnered with Hanan Relief Group, which offers airport transportation services, fully furnished homes, groceries, climate-appropriate clothing, assistance with paperwork, and more.

During a visit to Hanan, we got the chance to speak with one of their star clients, Mirwauz. Mirwauz is a young 20-year-old from Afghanistan. Afghanistan’s refugee crisis is one of the biggest humanitarian crises our world has faced, leaving 24 million Afghans in dire need of humanitarian assistance.                                                                

Mirwauz shared that the biggest challenge he faces is the language barrier. His inability to communicate has made his transition all the more difficult. Thanks to Hanan, he’s in English as a Second Language (ESL) training. He even brings in his mail for help with translation. When asked about his hope for the future, Mirwauz shared he hopes to be successful.

“I’m very thankful for Hanan and those who support them.”

A Volunteer’s Voice

At the heart of our humanitarian mission lies the Volunteer Management Office (VMO), a department with humble beginnings that has become a dynamic force for change. Born in 2010, our roster of volunteers, also known as Blueshirts, was just a handful of people from the DC metropolitan area. Fast forward to 2023, and we stand tall with over 31,000 dedicated volunteers from all over the US. One Blueshirt, Muhammad Sheikh, shares how IRUSA changed his life.

“‘If you want to soften your heart, feed the poor and pat the head of the orphan,’ (Musnad Ahmad, 7576). The hadith provided me with the solution I was desperately searching for. I realized I must better the condition of others if I wanted to better myself. I discovered Islamic Relief USA shortly after my epiphany and immediately jumped at the opportunity.”

“Simply put, IRUSA has changed my life. It has helped me recognize my duty—both spiritually and morally—to assist others. Most importantly, I recognized that we at IRUSA are simply extensions of Allah’s (SWT) mercy. After all, we are doing God’s work.”

In Closing

When you read the stories of those affected by the work of IRUSA, there is no question that it has and continues to positively impact the lives of people everywhere. If you wish to get involved, there are many ways to do so—by volunteering, donating, launching fundraising campaigns on social media, or even by applying for a job with the organization. Get started at