Waqf, derived from Arabic, is a charitable endowment deeply rooted in Islamic tradition. Waqf involves the perpetual dedication of assets such as land, buildings, or funds for specific charitable purposes. Once established, these assets are considered inalienable, meaning they cannot be sold, gifted, or otherwise disposed of, but are instead preserved for the intended charitable cause. The income generated from waqf assets is then used to support various philanthropic endeavors.  

Islamic Relief USA (IRUSA) Waqf 

Islamic Relief USA (IRUSA) Waqf presents an opportunity for individuals to contribute to sustainable community development through charitable endowments. By perpetually dedicating assets for specific causes, IRUSA Waqf facilitates long-term impact in areas such as education, healthcare, and infrastructure.  

Direct donations 

The simplest and most straightforward way to give to IRUSA Waqf is through direct donations. People can contribute funds towards establishing or supporting existing Waqf endowments, knowing that their contributions will be utilized to address pressing humanitarian needs. Direct donations offer flexibility, allowing donors to contribute any amount they are comfortable with, thereby making philanthropy accessible to all.  

In addition to cash, people can donate stocks and bonds, which allows them to avoid paying capital gains taxes on stocks that have appreciated. Donors can also take a charitable income tax deduction. Other examples of direct giving include gifts of real estate, retirement interests, business interests, insurance, or mineral interests.  

Donor-advised funds  

Donor-advised funds (DAFs) are philanthropic vehicles that allow donors to make contributions to a fund, receive an immediate tax deduction, and then recommend grants to specific charities over time. This approach provides donors with flexibility and control over their charitable giving while maximizing tax benefits. 

When it comes to supporting IRUSA Waqf through a DAF, donors can contribute funds to their DAF account and subsequently recommend grants to IRUSA Waqf as a charitable beneficiary. By leveraging DAFs, donors can streamline their giving process, consolidate their charitable contributions into a single account, and strategically allocate funds to support IRUSA Waqf’s initiatives in education, healthcare, infrastructure development, and more. 

Moreover, DAFs offer donors the ability to contribute a variety of assets beyond cash, including stocks, bonds, real estate, and even appreciated assets. By donating appreciated assets directly to a DAF, donors can potentially avoid capital gains taxes and maximize the impact of their contributions. This tax-efficient approach enables donors to amplify their support for IRUSA Waqf while optimizing their overall financial planning strategies. 

Furthermore, DAFs provide donors with the opportunity to involve their families in philanthropy and instill values of generosity and social responsibility across generations. By engaging family members in the grant recommendation process, donors can foster meaningful discussions about charitable giving and collectively support causes that align with their shared values and priorities. 

Donor-advised funds offer a convenient, tax-efficient, and flexible way for individuals to contribute to IRUSA Waqf and make a meaningful difference in the lives of communities in need. Through strategic grant recommendations, donors can support IRUSA Waqf’s mission of sustainable community development and empowerment while maximizing the impact of their charitable contributions. 


A bequest is a provision in someone’s will or estate plan that designates a portion of their assets or estate be distributed to a charitable organization upon their passing. By including IRUSA in their estate plans, donors can ensure that their values of compassion and generosity continue to make a difference in the world long after they are gone. 

Making a bequest to IRUSA is a straightforward process that begins with the creation of a will or estate plan. Donors can work with their attorneys or estate planners to draft the necessary documents and specify their intentions for supporting IRUSA through their estate. Bequests can take various forms, including specific dollar amounts, a percentage of the estate, or specific assets such as property, securities, or personal belongings. 

Once the bequest is established, it becomes a part of the donor’s estate plan and will be carried out according to their wishes upon their passing. IRUSA will receive the designated assets or funds and ensure that they are utilized to support its humanitarian programs and initiatives, including IRUSA Waqf.  

Bequests to IRUSA may also offer potential tax benefits for the donor’s estate, as charitable bequests are typically deductible from the taxable estate. By incorporating IRUSA into their estate plans, donors can optimize their financial planning strategies, minimize estate taxes, and maximize the impact of their philanthropic legacy.  

Charitable remainder annuity trust 

A charitable remainder annuity trust allows people to support IRUSA while also providing themselves or designated beneficiaries with a reliable income stream. With this type of gift, the donor transfers assets, such as cash, securities, or real estate, into an irrevocable trust. The trust then pays out a fixed annual annuity to the donor or beneficiaries for a specified period, typically their lifetime or a term of up to 20 years. 

What distinguishes a charitable remainder annuity trust is its fixed annuity payout, which provides donors with predictable income regardless of fluctuations in investment performance. This feature appeals to donors seeking stable cash flow while also fulfilling their philanthropic objectives. Additionally, donors may receive an immediate income tax deduction based on the present value of the charitable remainder interest passing to the designated charity upon termination of the trust. 

At the conclusion of the trust term or upon the death of the last income beneficiary, the remaining assets in the trust are distributed to one or more charitable beneficiaries specified by the donor. This charitable remainder interest ensures that the donor’s legacy continues to support causes they care about long into the future. By establishing a charitable remainder annuity trust, donors can leave a lasting impact on their communities while also enjoying financial security and tax benefits during their lifetime. 

IRUSA Waqf offers many avenues by which people can contribute to sustainable community development and humanitarian relief. Whether through direct donations, bequests, or incorporating waqf contributions into long-term financial planning, each path of giving represents a powerful opportunity to empower positive change and make a meaningful difference in the world.